Load CS:GO
Click "Watch matches and tournaments" from the left menu
Select "Your Matches" at the top and then select the match
In the bottom right corner, click "Copy match sharing code" icon, next to download. This will copy it to your clipboard.
You can either email me on richard(at)csgostats(dot)gg, tweet at us @csgostatsgg or join our discord and let us know
The stats will be available on your profile under the new CS2 Limited Test section
YES! The stats we store from the limited test will only be used to make sure everything is working, so don’t worry if you’ve lost. We know most players aren’t playing CS2 as competitively as they play ranked. This is a temporary phase where we’re testing the data!
Let us know! There was a lot of data that we had to map between CS2 and CS2 & CS:GO to make everything work, please let us know if you find any data inconsistancies!
Valve announced that CS2 was coming Summer 2023, there is currently -479 left until summer is over!
Copyright © 2016-2025 ESL Gaming Online, Inc.
csstats.gg is an online service for CS2 stat tracking. Time to start tracking your competitive CS2 match history.
The site is made by me! rchh.
For feedback contact me at: richard(at)csstats(dot)gg.